The medical and technical content of this page is produced by some of the experts BD is cooperating with.
Dr. Mercedes Torres Tabanera
Dr. Torres received her training in Breast Imaging in the LDS Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) and in the Yale-New Haven University Hospital (New Haven, CT, USA) over the period from 1991 to 1992.
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She has been a consultant in Breast Radiology since 1994. Her clinical and managerial experience in a number of positions began in 1992, and her expertise in breast interventional techniques dates back to 1994.
Having performed over 3000 procedures, both for diagnostic and therapeutic indications, Dr. Torres’ acknowledged experience in vacuum assisted biopsy (VAB) was initiated in 1999.
She has taken part as speaker at courses and conferences (over 200 lectures given). She has also participated in national and international specific theoretical and practical training courses, and has authored articles and book chapters.
She has contributed to the education of others and has supported the introduction and improvement of ultrasound guided VABB for diagnostic and therapeutic indications in Spain, Europe and Latinamerica.
Until 2018 she has been the coordinator of the Unidad de Radiología de la Mujer (Female Radiology Unit) at the Hospital Universitario Puerta del Sur, Group HM (Móstoles, Madrid).
Currently she works as consultant Breast Radiologist at Breast Pathology Center (San Pedro Hospital, Logroño-Spain) and at Zentro Avanced Diagnosis (Zaragoza-Spain).
Dr. Steven Wolberink
Dr. Wolberink was trained in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and has been a Consultant in Breast Radiology since 2010.
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He was Consultant in Breast Radiology in the Netherlands at Westfriesgasthuis, Hoorn, the Netherlands, and the Alexander Monro Breast Cancer Hospital, Bilthoven, the Netherlands until 2019. During this time he retained his GMC license by working numerous Locum Breast Radiologist shifts in the UK.
Since 2019 he works as Consultant Radiology at the Jersey General Hospital in Jersey, Channel Islands, where he is Clinical Director of Breast Imaging and Clinical Director of Breast Screening and is an educational supervisor for the University of Wessex.
He has extensive experience in both symptomatic and screening Breast Imaging both in the Netherlands and the UK. He has been involved in setting up and improving VAB for diagnostic and therapeutic indications in multiple sites in the Netherlands and the UK.
Beside these clinical positions he has given numerous lectures and hands on training both within the Netherlands, the UK, and worldwide and has been a speaker and trainer at multiple courses and conferences.
Disclaimer for professional contents/opinions
This content contains the personal and professional opinions of, and personal surgical techniques practiced by the individual speakers and are not necessarily those of Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) or any Business Unit or affiliate of BD.
The health care professionals have been compensated by BD for the time and effort in preparing the material. The opinions, techniques and clinical experiences presented herein are for informational and educational purposes only the decision of which techniques to use in a particular application should be made by your health care professional based on the individual facts and circumstances of the patient and previous surgical experience. The results included within this presentation may not be predictive or indicative for all patients. Individual results may vary depending on a variety of patient specific attributes.
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