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Should I have my benign breast cyst removed?

Discovering a breast cyst can be a worrying and stressful time. You might find yourself becoming concerned about cancer and have plenty of questions about the best way to deal with your cyst. Clear information can help both in making the right individual decision on how to manage the cyst and will help reassure you that, whilst it is important to seek help for breast lumps and to be breast aware, a breast cyst can be effectively monitored and treated.

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Find out how the vacuum assisted biopsy is done

Guided with ultrasound

Guided by stereotactic

Guided with MRI

Descubre cómo se realiza la biopsia asistida por vacío

Guiada con ecografía

Guiada por estereotaxia

Guiada con resonancia

Ανακαλύψτε τον τρόπο εκτέλεσης της βιοψίας υπό αναρρόφηση

Οδηγείται με υπερήχους

Καθοδηγούμενη από στερεοτακτική

Καθοδηγούμενη με συντονισμό

Découvrez comment est réalisée la biopsie assistée par le vide

Guidé par ultrasons

Guidé par stéréotaxie

Guidé avec résonance

Ontdek hoe de biopsie met vacuüm is uitgevoerd

Guided with ultrasound

تعرف على كيفية إجراء الخزعة بواسطة التفريغ الهوائي

الموجهة بالموجات فوق الصوتيه

Upptäck hur vakuumassisterad biopsi utförs

Ledd med Ultrajud

Ledd med Stereotaxi

Ledd med MRI

Scopri come si esegue la biopsia vuoto-assistita

