Incompatible connections help prevent misconnection-related errors

Innovations in spinal anaesthesia

In spinal anaesthesia, misconnection-related medication errors can result in neurotoxicity, paralysis or even death1,2 To prevent accidental misconnections between intravenous (IV), enteral and neuraxial applications, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 80369 Working Group (BD is a member) developed the NRFit™ connector. It is incompatible with Luer connectors.

As a leading manufacturer of spinal anaesthesia products, BD is committed to driving spinal anaesthesia forward through innovation. So, we invited Prof Dan Benhamou to speak about “Safe connections in regional anaesthesia.” The summary and video of this webinar will be available in a future article of BD IV News.

Accomplished anaesthesia professional

Prof Benhamou is head of the Anaesthesia-Intensive Care Department at the South Paris Hospital Group. He teaches for several degree programmes and is the director of the Anaesthesia Laboratory at the South Paris School of Medicine.

In addition to publishing numerous research articles, he serves on the editorial boards of several peer-reviewed scientific journals. Prof Benhamou is also president of the Mises Au Point en Anesthésie-Réanimation (MAPAR) Association.

Advancing regional anaesthesia in Europe

This webinar took place during the 3rd European Society of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Therapy (ESRA) international e-congress on Saturday, 19 September 2020. Through education and research, ESRA drives progress in regional anaesthesia in Europe and beyond. BD was a proud sponsor of this year’s international e-congress.



#errorprevention #iso80369 #medicationerror #nrfit #patientsafety #regionalanaesthesia #spinalanaesthesia
