Patient Patient Animation

  • Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

    Learn more about the steps of the diagnosis procedure you can expect.

  • Biopsy

    If your PSA levels are high, you might need further tests. Your doctor may refer you for a prostate biopsy.

  • Treating Prostate Cancer

    Learn about possible treatment options and how they may be discussed with you.

  • Types of Treatment

    Explore the treatment options that may be available.

  • Managing most common side-effects and symptoms

    Urinary symptoms induced by the treatment usually improve with time, learn what they are and how to manage them.

  • How can I help myself?

    Make use of the support system. Doing something for yourself will help you feel more in control but be realistic about how much you can do on your own. Don't be afraid to seek assistance from others who want to help you or to use the available support resources.

Confused ?

See our glossary for any terms you didnt quite understand.

Prostate cancer glossery