BD MAX™ System - March 20, 2023
Introducing: Molecular Workflow Optimisation Service for the BD MAX™ System
An optimised lab is supported by automation, workflow and people. However, successful optimisation requires time, knowledge and experience.
With our new BD MAX™ Laboratory Optimisation and Capacity Assessment, our BD expert team can help you optimise your lab’s molecular processes, from lab organisation, resource availability and overall efficiency.
Across the molecular sample pathway, work hands-on with our molecular workflow experts to optimise the use of your BD MAX™ System and its associated processes. Our offering is tailored to your goals, focusing on the following key areas:
- Efficiency: hands-on time, time to result
- Productivity: Peak day demand, resource allocation
- Quality: Percentage of contamination, repeat rates
- Process flow: Lab layout, testing algorithms
To gain a deeper understanding of your current challenges and curate a solution that is right for you, the assessment is conducted in three phases:
- Observe: On-site observation and Laboratory Optimisation and Capacity (LOC) assessment to evaluate molecular workflow, LIS integration, lab floor plan and current testing algorithms
- Design: Follow-up meeting to present personalised recommendations based on your key performance indicators (KPIs) to improve workflow, resource utilisation, staff efficiency and testing capacity
- Collaborate: Continuous partnership in implementing new processes for an improved molecular workflow that meets your changing needs
Learn more about the Molecular Workflow Optimisation Service and get on the path to an optimised BD MAX™ System workflow: